Blake Priddle Raises Support for Spectrum!

We have a new contributor to our community! For his Birthday, Blake Priddle hosted a fundraiser on Facebook, resulting in a $252 for Spectrum! He is an autistic media creator himself, as he is a radio host and a new author of his own memoir! He’s been able to interview so many iconic Canadians and has been on the airwaves all across the country. He gave a bit of his time to answer my questions below. 

Blake Priddle at a microphone

I’d like to know where you got the nickname ‘Crash’ from!

I was in a car accident when I was 18 and as a joke my teacher and mentor gave me the nickname. His sense of humour helped me through it. In college my peers all had stage names for their radio show so I decided to go by Crash Priddle. Now it’s mostly just Blake Priddle. 

What got you interested in doing radio initially?

I used to listen to the radio all the time as a child. I thought to myself they sound like they are having fun on the air and thought it would be a cool job to have to get paid to entertain people.

What’s your favourite thing to talk about when you’re on the air?

Human interest stories and community events.

What’s been a highlight of your career?

So far it’s been getting to travel to different parts of the country and meet and interview celebrities. One of my most recent celebrity interviews was with Lenore Zann the voice of Rogue on Xmen. I also got to interview the iconic Stuart McLean the host of the vinyl cafe in high school

Never give up on your dreams and never stop showing your work

Do you have any advice to autistic people in achieving their career goals?

Never give up on your dreams and never stop showing your work. Someone will like it and will want to hire you even if you have to send 100 applications. You can find more inspiration by reading my memoir Good Morning, Blake  Growing Up Autistic and Being Okay available on Amazon

How did you hear of Spectrum Productions?

I googled autism charities and Spectrum Productions came up. I really admire everyone’s work and the fact they have provided opportunities for people on the spectrum. 

Thanks to Blake for the support!

Check out his website below:

If you want to see work from Autistic creators, attend our April 9th Spectrum Fest screening at the DeSève theater.


It's Autism Acceptance Day! / C'est le jour de l'acceptation de l'autisme!


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