Spectrum Productions Double Feature

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Due to the circumstances we wanted to host our first online double feature!!

We will be premiering both instalments of the Multifighters series.

We also wanted you all an opportunity to have a moment to interact with us and the rest of the community via the chat. We will premiere at 2pm this Friday on youtube, you can use the link below to access the chat.

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The Multifighters

Premiered at Spectrum’s 9th ANNUAL GALA and SCREENING

RUNTIME: 03:24 mins

Genre: Superheroes and video game characters, Mashup, Sequel / Super-héros, personnages de jeux vidéo, mashup, suite

A young boy wakes up to a normal sunny day, well as he thought. On his bike ride to school he has a very strange encounter which leads to a whole new world.

Un jeune garçon se réveille avec une journée ensoleillée normale, comme il le pensait. Sur son trajet en vélo à l'école, il a une rencontre très étrange qui mène à un tout nouveau monde.

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Multifighters 2

Premiered at Spectrum’s 10th ANNUAL GALA and SCREENING (Nov. 10, 2019)

RUNTIME: 05:29 mins

Cast / Interprètes

Luca Ballorano (Mario), Alex Andrews Gleason (MewTwo), Jakub Madej (The Day Knight), Mateo Mason-Barbara (Archer Claw), Oliver Mason-Barbara (Sans), William Paquin (Rygon)

Genre: Superheroes and video game characters, Mashup, Sequel / Super-héros, personnages de jeux vidéo, mashup, suite

Rygon tries to collapse the multiverse and harness all of its energy for himself. He successfully collapses five universes, creating portals for video game characters 

Archer Claw, Sans, MewTwo, Mario and the Day Knight to meet in the Mortal Realm. Having been given a piece of the Sacred Amulet by a spirit and knowing that they have been chosen to save the multiverse, they travel to find and fight Rygon and his army in the battle of all battles. Let’s get ready to rumble!


Rygon tente de provoquer l’effondrement du multivers afin de s’approprier toute son énergie. Il réussit l’effondrement de cinq univers, créant des portails pour les personnages de jeux vidéo Archer Claw, Sans, MewTwo, Mario et Day Knight, qui seront ainsi réunis dans le monde des mortels. Quand un esprit leur remet un 

fragment d’amulette sacrée, ils apprennent qu’ils ont été choisis pour sauver le multivers. Ils se mettent alors à la recherche de Rygon et de son armée pour les défier dans le combat de tous les combats!

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