Portal Masters is going On Demand! / Portal Masters est disponible sur demande!
Incredible news! Portal Masters, a Summer Camp 2021 production which premiered at Fantasia Film Festival this summer, is now going to Fantasia Shorts, broadcasting on MAtv every Monday starting Monday December 19th at midnight! It will also be available to stream on Club Illico and Videotron on Demand!
Portal Masters is showing at Fantasia/Portal Masters à Fantasia!
It will be showing at Cinéma du Musée this Saturday, July 16th, at 8:30pm as Part of The Outer Worlds presentation.
This is a really exciting short film we have premiering at Fantasia! We made this during Summer Camp in 2021, and it was one of the first we made in the hybrid format of camp. It's a love letter to some of the most popular video games and characters from recent years, and is full of hilarious moments!